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Please take time to read our reviews on the following books.
We hope you will consider these books for your own growth and library. 

Review of The Gospel Under Siege, by Zane Hodges


A quote on the back cover of Zane Hodges’ book The Gospel Under Siege caught the attention of a friend sitting in my office some years ago. “Today you could let go of a theology that has kept you in bondage, and be free for the rest of your life.” My seeking friend asked to borrow the book, and I was more than happy to lend it (and commend it!).


Chris came back with the borrowed book shortly afterward (a couple weeks, as I remember), and mentioned that the promise of the book had come gloriously true for him. Chris came from a religious tradition that had agonizingly kept him, life-long, from certainty about his eternal destiny. He was full of praise for The Gospel, and—though Chris later moved on from my supervision—was still full when he launched

out into his own ministry some years later.


I too am still full of praise for this book, and I still find that book blurb gloriously true. A brief treatment (151 pages of text, with additional footnotes) of the issues around finding confidence in Jesus’ promise of eternal life, this work begins by discussing those Bible passages clear on the good news of eternal life. Then, in that light, it delves into a broad spectrum of the “problem” passages, and shows how, in their context, these passages need not at all dim the certainty that those who believe in Christ are eternally His (and He eternally theirs!). A great book for that open-minded someone with some Bible knowledge under their belt, and who might share the kind of struggles my friend Chris endured. They, too, can be set free for a lifetime!


Lon Gregg

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